Ali Bagheri,

I am a Software Developer at Landin. I have graduated in Computer Engineering from Babol Noshirvani institute of technology. I am passionate about AI and Back-end development. I am eager to self-host my own services and applications, from a simple blog to a complex decentralized social network, or even game server and analytics solutions. I am also interested in DevOps and CI/CD. I am a big fan of open-source software and I try to contribute to them as much as I can.

NodeJs NodeJs
ExpressJs ExpressJs
Javascript Javascript
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Mysql Mysql
MongoDB MongoDB
Docker Docker
Nginx Nginx
Bash Bash
Linux Linux
Git Git
Redis Redis
VueJs VueJs
Nuxt Nuxt
Python Python
Go Go
Svelte Svelte
Typescript Typescript